recycling of textiles means the reusing or reprocessing of used apparel,
clothing scraps and fibers that are left over in the manufacturing process.
Apart from discarded clothing and textiles, other sources for recycling of
textiles include- carpets, upholstery, sheets towels, footwear, and other soft
Some data:
per US EPA, about 5% of all landfill space is occupied by textile wastes. The EPA also says that the textile recycling
industry recycles nearly 3.8 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste
(PCTW) annually, which is just 15% of the total PCTW. 85% of PCTW goes to the landfills.
of the clothing purchased annually in the UK, or 1,081,000 tons of clothing, is
thrown away in landfills. Likewise, in many countries, textile recycling has a
great scope of improvement.
Why recycle?
Textile recycling
is a need for a better future; the concept has both ecological and
economic advantages. Recycling textiles reduces the use of many polluting and
energy-using processes that go into the making of textile manufacturing using
fresh raw materials.
- Usage of chemicals like dyes and fixing agents is greatly reduced
- Landfill space requirement is reduced. Synthetic fibers in landfills do not decompose, woolen garments produce methane gas on decomposition. Thus, landfills can create ecological problems as well.
- Recycled textiles mean less buying of fresh material
- Fibers, when recycled lead to cost savings involved in importing from other countries. This saves time, money and energy resources.
- The manufacturing of new products is easier as recycled material does not need dyeing or scouring.
- Wastage of water is reduced as extensive washing is not required.
- The stress for producing fresh textile resources is also reduced to an extent.
Major textile sources for recycling:
There are two major types of resources- post-consumer and pre-consumer. Post-consumer
resources include clothing, upholstery, and household goods. Pre-consumer
resources include by-products or scraps left over during the textile
manufacturing process and scrap textiles left over from other industries.
- Used clothing
- Used footwear
- Leather goods
- Cotton, wool, silk, polyester, nylon fiber recycling
- Polyurethane foam
- Carpets, rugs and wipers
- Used bags
Textile recycling process:
are generally either natural or may contain synthetic fibers. The textile recycling
method is broadly defined by its durability and composition.
all collected textile material is sorted and classified by skilled and
experienced labors who have the expertise to differentiate between various
types of fibers –synthetics, natural and blended fibers. After this initial
sorting, all items are sent to various destinations.
fiber reclamation mills, all material is graded as per type and color. Textiles
are shredded into smaller fibers to be blended with other selected fibers. Next,
carding of the blended mixture is done to clean the fibers and make them ready
for spinning. Finally, weaving or knitting is done. For the manufacturing of
mattresses, the fibers may also be compressed. To send to the flocking
industry, fibers may be shredded to make fillers for use in cars as roofing
felts, car insulation fillers, furniture padding and panel linings.
In the
case of specialized synthetic materials, firstly, fasteners such as zippers and
buttons are removed, followed by shredding the textile material into bits. The
shredded stuff is granulated and small pellets are formed. The pellets are
polymerized into polyester chips. The chips are melted and spun to filament
fibers to produce new polyester fabrics.
better awareness and facilities in textile recycling, the textile industry can
benefit from the concept to a large extent, saving time, energy and the
environment in the long run.
Many textile industry don't care how important it is to recycle what they can to avoid increasing the pollution in the environment. Textile manufacturing uses huge amount of water which is also a primary source of life. Thanks Edward for the information.